Tuesday, May 04, 2004

Too Good To Pass Up Dept. Swedes left with a monster problem

THE placing of a mythical monster on Sweden’s endangered species list, in an apparent fit of bureaucratic zeal, has caused an administrative problem for the country’s authorities.

"During a routine inspection of the environment court in Jaemtland recently, we came across a decision that attracted our interest," said Nils-Olof Berggren, a Swedish parliamentary ombudsman.

"The court had turned down an application from a man who wanted to search for and hatch the monster’s eggs, probably believing [the application] was just a joke."

However, Mr Berggren found there was an actual decision from 1986 placing the monster under protection.

This is what it is, a "giant serpent, similar to the Loch Ness Monster has lived for centuries in Jaemtland’s Lake Storsjoen, Sweden’s fifth-largest lake."

It's name is "Storsjöodjuret". Loch Ness wins for pronounceability.

More info here.