Thursday, August 05, 2004

Posting today will probably be devoid of any clever, witty, amusing, and/or scientifically enlightening prose, since the entire staff of ArchaeoBlog was up both very late and very early last night/this morning. We wish we had a good reason to have been up so late -- researching a new find, tracking down expert testimony on important breaking news stories, or at least going on a good ol' bender -- but, alas, we were simply. . . .well, mostly watching bad TV and wishing otherwise.

On the other hand, there was a program on Phillipine mummies on The Science Channel which we had never heard of before. Apparently, they are not very old (couple hundred years) and the method of dessication was by low-heat/smoking over a period of months, out of doors. The individual would be tied up from a pole outside his house and a small fire continuously kept burning under the body to slowly dessicate it. We found this very odd, but have never seen anything written about them and basically know nothing about it.