Monday, January 31, 2005

There's great heaping gobs of news today, but we're horrendously busy with various database issues that we shall either post it all tonight or tomorrow. Thank you for your support.

[Update] Well, okay, we couldn't let this one pass, even though it is not related to archaeology at all and only peripherally related to anthropology:

Monkeys Pay to See Female Monkey Bottoms

A new study found that male monkeys will give up their juice rewards in order to ogle pictures of female monkey's bottoms. The way the experiment was set up, the act is akin to paying for the images, the researchers say.

The rhesus macaque monkeys also splurged on photos of top-dog counterparts, the high-ranking primates. Maybe that's like you or me buying People magazine.

At least now we know it has a genetic basis. . .

Thanks to Ronski at The Perfect World