Thursday, April 06, 2006

Two non-archy news items:

Fishy Land Beast Bridges Evolutionary Gap
A newfound beast with swim fins and a head like a crocodile fills an evolutionary gap between fish and four-legged land animals.

The creature had gills, a fish-like jaw, and scales. But its mobile neck let it lift its head above water, and it could support its own weight on thick ribs and wrist-like bones. It may have even trudged across mudflats in the manner of four-legged animals, called tetrapods.

"I would say it's a key transitional form in the fish-to-land animal transition," said study co-author Neil Shubin of the University of Chicago. "It has features of both fish and tetrapods—we call it a ‘fishapod.'"

I read some Creationist's blog where he was having a hissy fit because those stupid evolutionists were TEACHING EVOLUTION IN THE SCHOOLS WHEN THEY DIDN'T EVEN HAVE A MISSING LINK BETWEEN FISH AND PEOPLE YET.

Not really archaeology, but. . . 'Gospel of Judas' to be revealed
Judas Iscariot's reputation as one of the most notorious villains in history could be thrown into doubt with the release of an ancient text on Thursday.
The Gospel of Judas, a papyrus document from the 3rd or 4th Century AD, tells the story of Jesus' death from the fallen disciple's point of view.

Alleged to be a copy of an even older text, it casts Judas as a benevolent figure, helping Jesus to save mankind.

No comments because this really isn't my bag.

(Via Althouse