Monday, May 23, 2005

Tutankhamun facial reconstruction update

Aayko Eyma of the EEF sends this along:

This is not to reopen debate on the merits of such facial reconstructions, just for information purposes, as most earlier press reports only showed one or two of the reconstructions:

To the EEF BBS, a picture of all three models has been added:

It is based on a picture from the Time Magazine article 'Unmasking King Tut' (May 23, 2005), of which a text version (without pictures, but with the text with the three models) may be found online at:,9171,1061534,00.html

Update: Oops. Latter has become "premium" content.

Also, the first link allows some comparison between the different reconstructions. Unfortunatly, they are all from different angles so it's difficult to really compare them in any detail.