Thursday, December 09, 2004

Homo hobbitus update Plan to foil future 'hobbit' heist

ALTHOUGH their "hobbit" fossils were snatched by a powerful critic, Indonesian and Australian scientists will continue their quest for humanity's Southeast Asian roots next year, with new safeguards to prevent further filching.

According to Tony Djubiantono, director of the Indonesian Centre for Archaeology in Jakarta, from now on not a single fossil will leave the centre.

"Access will be allowed to the fossils, but the analysis will be carried out in the centre," Dr Djubiantono said yesterday.

Archaeologist Mike Morwood with the University of New England in Armidale, NSW, added: "We have discussed getting a proper safe and shelving (for fossils), not a filing cabinet."

Researchers assemble to protect the Homo floresiensis remains.

TD raises fears over 'Tara motorway'

The Government was urged today to seek advice from independent archaeologists before deciding the destiny of the ancient seat of the Kings of Ireland.

Green Party TD Ciaran Cuffe accused the environment minister of adopting a “road-based bias” when choosing the route between Navan and Dublin, which cuts through the Tara Skyrne Valley.

He said that because it was the most economical option, Tara had been condemned from the outset for lying directly on the “desire line”, while other options had not been considered.

Teotihuacan update Sacrificial Burial Deepens Mystery At Teotihuacan, But Confirms The City's Militarism

A spectacular new discovery from an ongoing excavation at the Teotihuacan's Pyramid of the Moon is revealing a grisly sacrificial burial from a period when the ancient metropolis was at its peak, with artwork unlike any seen before in Mesoamerica.

Though archaeologists hope that discoveries at the pyramid will answer lingering questions about the distinctive culture that built the great city, the new find deepens the mystery, with clear cultural connections to other burials found at the site, but with some markedly new elements.

With the excavation of the pyramid nearly complete, one important conclusion is emerging: combined with past burials at the site, the new find strongly suggests that the Pyramid of the Moon was significant to the Teotihuacano people as a site for celebrating state power through ceremony and sacrifice. Contrary to some past interpretation, militarism was apparently central to the city's culture.

Happy ending Ancient graves given shaman's ritual

A silent prayer. A sprinkle of dried leaves from a plant from the Everglades. A step away from the once-disturbed graves.

Just north of Chastain Beach, where beachgoers found three Ais Indian graves uncovered by the hurricanes, Seminole shaman Bobby Henry on Wednesday performed a ceremony to bring peace back to the island's spirits.

"It was five generations before the Seminole people. It doesn't matter," he said, holding a tan leather medicine bag. "When we find bones, we take care of it."

And finally. . . .

We got this via the EEF mailing list (thanks, Aayko!) via Michael Tilgner:

The Tale of Sinuhe

-- Alan H. Gardiner, Notes on the Story of Sinuhe, Paris, 1916. 195 pp.

-- Transcription and English translation
URL: (Read this first)

-- English translation: Lichtheim I, 223-233

There are many links we left out, particularly non-English translations. Drop us a note and we'll forward the whole thing.