Friday, July 13, 2007

New archaeology video Sent via email from Pettigrew:
Friends and colleagues: More than a thousand years ago, the Mayan
city of Tikal held sway over a large region of the Yucatan peninsula
of Central America. Some of the city's most splendid monuments are
featured in Tikal: A CyArk Case Study, the latest video feature on
our nonprofit streaming-media Web site, The Archaeology Channel

Tikal, a World Heritage Site in Guatemala, exemplifies CyArk, a
project of the Kacyra Family Foundation that is preserving the
world's most valued cultural heritage sites in three-dimensional
digital form. Tikal, the largest ancient Mayan city, contains some
of the most spectacular Mayan architecture, but is subject to natural
erosion as well as the impacts of massive tourist traffic. This
video shows how CyArk is preserving the site in digital imagery
through laser-scanning technology and the most accurate 3D models
possible today.