Friday, December 01, 2006

And now. . . . .the news from the EEF

Press report: "New clues about Ptolemaic past [in Cyprus]"
"An inscription has been found by archeologists conducting
excavations in the Lower City of Amathus that provides new
information about Cypriot society in the Ptolemaic period.
(..) This inscription with arithmetic in Greek may refer to land
portions given by the Ptolemaic General."

Press report: "Artefacts found in Luxor"
"An Egyptian-Polish archaeological mission discovered a large
collection of pottery fragments, pieces of cartonnage and parts
of the priest Bani-mesu's sarcophagus while excavating at
Queen Hatshepsut's temple at Deir el-Bahari on Luxor's west bank.
Numerous pieces of ostraca, pottery, ushabti figurines, papyri
written in Coptic and fragments of a nemes headdress of king
Thutmose III have also been unearthed."

Press report: "Ancient terrain, fresh findings"
"On Saturday, 3,200 families from Al-Gourna will be
relocated to the Al-Taref city on Luxor's outskirts. They
will be leaving their hometown to explorers who are bent
upon unearthing not less than 100 ancient Egyptian tombs
expected to be found there."

Press report: "Buried treasure: University-owned mummy
kept at St. Louis museum"
"Prominent St. Louis banker and private collector, Charles Parsons,
donated two mummies to Washington University in 1896. Both
mummies have been on permanent loan to the St. Louis Art Museum
since 2002. (..) One of those is Pet-Menekh, a male mummy, from the
4th or 3rd century B.C.E., whose wrapped toes can be seen at the foot
of the coffin. The female mummy, Henut-Wedjebu, from roughly
1391-1350 B.C.E., is held in much higher esteem (..)" for of the
eight gilded mummies from the NK that remain, Henut-Wedjebu is
the only one outside of Egypt, and the only non-royal.

The detailed examinations (computed tomography) of Tutankhamun's
body (see EEFNEWS 345 and 393) by the team of Ashraf Selim are
appearing in the press again, because the findings are presented at the
annual conference of the Radiological Society of North America
(RSNA) this week.
-- Press reports [submitted by Kat Newkirk (]:,20867,20824977-29677,00.html,,2087-2472117,00.html
The conclusions: no evidence of violent trauma to the skull or chest
(the loose bone fragments in the cranial cavity must have ended up
there at some moment (long) after the mummification); a badly broken
and infected leg (a femoral fracture with a wound still open at
mummification, as it contained embalming fluids) likely was the
cause of death; the king's genitals which had apparently disappeared
at some point were still in the coffin.
-- Info available on the RSNA website [submitted by Susan Cottman
( and Michael Tilgner]:
RSNA press release about the lecture:
With plenty of video clips and photos:
Abstract of the conference paper: Ashraf Selim, "The First
Multidetector CT Study of a Royal Egyptian Mummy: King
[The given height of "ca.180cm" in the press release & abstract,
and thus in the subsequent press reports, is surely a mistype for
"ca. 170cm" (apparently given as a rough indication, for in reality the king
was a bit shorter; at the time of discovery, Derry estimated him at ca. 166
cm and it seems he was not too far off) - cp. this week's forum debate on
the height of the Tuthmosides and cf. the SCA press release of last year:
It has the ca. 170 cm. Note also some dissident opinions in that report.

On OsirisNet, a second tomb from El Amarna is now online:
Ay's, dating back to the time when he was only a courtier.
His royal tomb (incl. a 3D VRML visit) was already on OsirisNet:
A German version of king Tutankhamun's tomb is now also
available, at:

During his travels in Egypt, Rudolf Ochmann has made several
theme-wise collections of photographs, namely:
-- About Nefertari (1.41 MB)
Her portraits throughout the Valley (text is in German, but
richly illustrated).

End of EEF News